A dividend is a portion of a company's profits that is distributed to its shareholders. Dividends can be paid in cash, shares of stock, or other financial instruments.

Unclaimed dividends are dividends that have been paid by a company to its shareholders, but the shareholders have not claimed them within the validity period.

This may be because of numerous factors which may include

  • Oversight,
  • Change of address, or
  • Death

Unclaimed dividends are listed under current liabilities in a company's balance sheet because they can be claimed by shareholders at any time.
Unclaimed dividends are classified as current liabilities in the company's balance sheet because they may be claimed by shareholders at any time.

We, at Share Claimers, have gone through many such instances in which the shareholder had totally forgotten their shares or lost their papers and consequently did not
think about getting the dividend. We don't just track the shares, but also helped them to recover unclaimed dividends.

Contact us to recover your shares and unclaimed dividends.